One Thing More Important than the Absence of Trouble

absence of trouble
One thing

In our hopes and dreams and bucket lists, do we include that which is most important? Do we include that one thing that we should seek after?

What is that one thing? Is it peace, financial success, prestige, glory, or validation?  Is it freedom from worry, the absence of trouble, or our wants and dreams fulfilled?

A word from king david

While there are many opinions on when David wrote Psalm 27, several scholars think he wrote it in two different sections: when life was good and when life became hard. Some scholars think he wrote it when he was running and hiding from Saul.  No matter when or where it was written, it is a word for us today.

In this Psalm, David recounts the patterns of God. He traces God’s hand in his life in the past and in the present. He declares that there is only one thing on his bucket list. One thing that he wants more than anything. This one thing is not the absence of trouble. He is not asking to have his enemies removed from his world. He knows that the same God who was with him in the past will continue to guide him in the future. He also knows that the presence of God is more important than anything else. His presence supersedes everything. Could David choose only one thing of two: the absence of trouble OR the presence of God, he would choose the latter.

Not the absence of trouble

David doesn’t ask God to remove him from his circumstances. He doesn’t ask that his enemies are killed nor does David ask for prestige and success. He does not ask for the absence of trouble.  Think how much better our lives w0uld be if we had no troubles: no conflicts, no lies, no prejudices, no relationship estrangements, just peace on all sides. That is the definition of the absence of trouble. David doesn’t ask for the absence of trouble and we shouldn’t, either.

absence of troubleLiving in the presence of God

Rather than seeking the absence of trouble, we should reach for His presence, and live in it. Instead of running from trouble, we should go toward God and find joy in His presence. Rather than fighting our trials, we must run toward God. When we do that, we find He is enough. We don’t to be free from problems. We need the presence of God. David said he would seek after Him. We should do the same because living in the presence of God is more important than living in the absence of trouble. 

I want to live in the presence of God instead of trying to live in the absence of trouble.

Will you join me?
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