clean house

The Clean House

Why a clean house matters. I’ve always liked a clean house. Clutter is messy, but it speaks of activity  (and sometimes laziness).  I like walking into my house after a day in town and finding it tidy and clean. I also like coming back from a trip out of town to order and cleanliness.  There’s…

intimacy in marriage

Encouraging Your Spouse to be Who He Is (Instead of Trying to Make Him Into Someone He’s Not)

Iron sharpening iron There’s a right way and a wrong way to relate to our spouse. One of the worst things a gal can do for her husband is to compare him with other men. The second worst thing is to try to change him. While it is true that we are called to be a…

Making All Things New

Making All Things New

He makes all things new.  Behold, I am doing a new thing;     now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness     and rivers in the desert.         Isaiah 43:19 ESV What seems impossible here on earth is not impossible with God. There’s a desert….

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