Making All Things New
He makes all things new.
Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19 ESV
What seems impossible here on earth is not impossible with God.
There’s a desert. No water. Just barren wasteland.
Dusty dryness. Parched hearts and throats.
Then He comes.
He says,
“Look. I make all things new.
I make a way in the wilderness.
And bring rivers in the desert.”
Not a trickle, not a creek, not a spring.
A rushing, gushing river.
Flowing, rippling, ever moving water.
In the middle of that barren desert,
Today, in the middle of my dryness,
My barrenness, my brokenness,
I cry for water.
It comes.
Because He is God.
He brings water to my weariness,
Refreshment to my soul,
Quenching the thirst and the hunger.
Jesus, the living Water
will make a way.
The thirst will be gone.
The barrenness will be filled
And the hunger will be quenched
Because this is what He does.
What is your desert?
Where is your heartache, your pain?
Go find the One who makes all things new.
He will make a way in your wilderness.
For you, He can do all things.
Trust Him to do this for you.
He gives life. Jehovah brings hope.