Finding Hope in an Imperfect Lineage
In the lineage of Christ, there are four specific women mentioned. From our human perspective, these women, because of their sinful history, should perhaps never have been included in the lineage of a sinless Jesus.
Yet, our gracious God does not discriminate against persons because of past mistakes or failures. He is able to use people, not because of, but in spite of their mistakes. That is what Redemption is all about! I am so grateful!
Tamar was a widow who had twin sons from an immoral relationship with her father-in-law. Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and did not keep his promise to Tamar after the death of her two husbands (his sons). In an effort to make Judah pay, Tamar posed as a prostitute and became pregnant with his sons. Scripture tells us that the Messiah would come through the tribe of Judah. Her son Perez from Judah is listed in the lineage of Jesus.
Rahab was a Gentile and a harlot who later became the wife of Salmon. She hid the Jewish spies who came to scout out her city, and upon instruction from the spies, she later hung a scarlet thread in her window, saving her life and the lives of her family. Salmon was the father of Boaz, who fathered Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David. Rahab lied about the spies, but she is listed in the Hebrews Hall of Faith because she welcomed the spies (not because she lied).
Ruth was a Moabitess and a Gentile. The Moabites descended from an incestuous relationship of Lot and his daughter. She arrived in Jerusalem from a pagan land following the death of her husband. Formerly an idol-worshiper, she came to faith and proclaimed to her mother-in-law, “Your people will be my people, and your God my God.” Ruth cared tenderly for her mother-in-law and caught the eye of Boaz, whose marriage to Ruth continued the lineage of Jesus.
Bathsheba, married to Uriah a Hittite, was also a Gentile woman. She was guilty of adultery with David while her husband was away in battle. David committed murder and lied about his sin, and the child conceived from their sin of adultery died. Later Bathsheba birthed Solomon who became known as the wisest king.
None of these women was without sin. Their lives were far from perfect, but they found grace in Jehovah. Each of these women found hope in the promise of the Messiah, even though they were not aware that God was going to use them to promote His kingdom. They had no idea that God was going to use their genetics to bring the Messiah to His people.
That is why I can find hope today. Even when I am not aware that God can use me, even when I feel unworthy because of my sinfulness, even when I think I am not capable, God wants to use me.
In His redemption, I find forgiveness and hope – and life.
Even when we are full of sin, He restores. That’s what He did for these women before the manger, the cross, and the resurrection took place. He is still able to do the same for us today!
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