
A Question about Freedom

Asking the right question brings freedom for me. Freedom. John F. Kennedy defined it in a new way. On that January day in 1961, John F. Kennedy shared his thoughts in his inaugural address. These words resounded across the nation and around the world. And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can…


Freedom Living

Freedom is Our friend is behind bars, and will be for some time. According to today’s standards, he’s not free, except that he is. Today he is more free than he has ever been in his life. Freedom is not the ability to choose what satisfies. It is the ability to choose well. Freedom is…


Freedom in Liberty

July 4th. The day our country celebrates its liberation from England. The day we celebrate liberty. There’s another kind of liberty, and it’s the kind we don’t hear much about these days. Freedom is not the right to do what we want, but the power to do what we ought. That’s liberty.  Certainly, I can make choices…

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