sex is dynanite

I’d Still Choose You

Today Dave and I celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary! What if I had the opportunity to choose again? I’d still choose this man.

choose you

Oh, the marriage vows we said on the day that we were wed:

To be faithful until death – we will be true.

And we promised on that day: honor and love in every way.                     

Years have passed since we first said those words, “I do.”

If I could choose again, I know I’d still choose you.

Each day, I choose you when I live those vows: I do.

                                 A three-cord strand we will not break, for to God those vows we made.

If I could choose again, my love, I’d still choose you.

We’ve had mornings that were bright, days that seemed as black as night –

‘Times we wondered how we’d ever climb that hill!

Our love’s been tested, it’s been tried; we’ve laughed and prayed,

              and yes, we’ve cried.

Yet every day and all day long, I choose you still!

If I could choose again, you know I’d still choose you.

Each day I choose you when I live those vows: I do.

                                 A three-cord strand we will not break, for to God those vows we made.

If I could choose again, my love, I’d still choose you.

So in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth,

For better or for worse, to cherish, have and hold.

Ah – Commitment is the key that helps us sing in harmony;

Our song continues as together we grow old.

If I could choose again, I know I’d still choose you.

Each day, I choose you when I live these vows: I do.

 And when all is said and done, and we face the setting sun,

If I could choose again, my love, I’d still choose you.


Pinterest Still Choose You



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  1. Thank you, Joanna!
    We still listen to the tape and enjoy the beautiful music of my cousins singing on that day!

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