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Homemade Mashed Potatoes

mashed potatoeshomemade for the win

I grew up on homemade mashed potatoes, and they’re still a favorite of mine. When you consider the process, it really does not take that much time. I like my recipe for refrigerator mashed potatoes because you can do them days ahead and pop them in the oven when you’re ready to fix your meal. Truth be told, you can do these mashed potatoes a day ahead and then just reheat them in the microwave. 

The best part about mixing up your mashed potatoes is licking the beaters afterwards! As kids, we fought over those two beaters every Sunday when we had mashed potatoes for lunch!

About those potatoes for mashed potatoes

The type of potatoes that make the best potatoes is debatable. Some folks claim russet are the best; others think Yukon gold are better. Still others say you should use white potatoes, or yellow potatoes. Red potatoes work, also. Sometimes I use a variety of potatoes I have on hand: some red potatoes, russet, and yellow. I’m not going to tell you that you must use a certain kind of potato, because you probably have relatives that will tell you otherwise. Try different ones and then go with what whips and tastes best to you.

For starters, clean the potato skins and peel the potatoes. Then, especially if you’re not going to cook them right away, soak the potatoes in cold water. Put them in water in the refrigerator. This helps remove some of the starch. 

When you’re ready to cook the potatoes, slice them into chunks or slices, place in water, bring to a boil, then simmer. You’ll know they’re done when you can stick a fork through the potato. My mother used to do hers in a pressure cooker, but I think it doesn’t save any time. You can add salt to the water as the potatoes are cooking, but it’s not necessary.

mashed potatoesMashed potatoes

Once the potatoes are cooked, drain the water, and whip them up into mashed potatoes. You can add whatever ingredients you want: onion and garlic powder, salt and pepper, or any other seasoning. Be sure to add some real butter and milk. Using your mixer, mash the potatoes until they are smaller, then add enough milk to get the mixing going. Then add more milk, a little at a time, and continue to beat. Add your seasonings and butter, and once everything is well mixed, whip the potatoes by turning your mixer on “whip” or high.

Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator to reheat later. I recommend using the “reheat” mode on your microwave instead of on high, especially if you are warming up an entire dish of potatoes.

Mashed potatoes are a great item to have in your refrigerator to use now and later during the week. Don’t stoop to instant potatoes. Use real potatoes and enjoy the goodness of homemade!

The recipe

Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Peeled, cooked, mashed, and ready to serve! These homemade mashed potatoes are worth the little bit of extra work - over instant potatoes. Plus, there's a world of difference in the taste!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course American, potatoes
Cuisine American
Servings 6


  • 1 4 quart kettle


  • 6 medium potatoes (Russet works well; choose your kind.)
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1 cup milk (2% or whole milk is better)
  • 1 Tbsp Salt (to taste_
  • 1 tsp. pepper (white is less noticeable)


  • Wash potato skins, then peel
  • Slice or dice potatoes
  • Put potatoes into a kettle and add enough water to cover half the potatoes (the steam cooks them and you don't need to cover the potatoes).
  • When potatoes are tender, drain the water
  • With mixer beaters, mash down on the potatoes, then turn mixer on low and blend some more
  • Add milk, 1/4 cup at a time, beating potatoes while adding milk. Depending on your potatoes, you might need more or less milk. Make them as thin or as stiff as you'd like.
  • Add butter and seasonings (you choose)
  • Turn mixer on high or "whip" and continue to move the beaters around the kettle, until the potatoes are whipped to your liking.
  • Place potatoes into a serving dish. Dot with butter (optional) and serve.
Keyword Homemade mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes


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