
My Harvest Celebration of 2020


Harvest is the process of gathering in all that we have grown and gained. This has  been a year like none other. Here we are, on the eve of Thanksgiving 2020. What are we gathering in today? What are the things for which I thank God most as I count the harvest of 2020?

  • Faithfulness. I harvest faithfulness. In times of physical distancing, less social interaction, cancellations of events, and decreased activity because of the virus, God is faithful. He is still the same. I have seen and experienced that, again. I’m thankful.
  • Rest. I choose rest. In the quiet days of COVID, I enjoy the quiet in my home. God speaks to us in the quiet, when we take the time to come apart and rest. I have rested because I have been silent.  His Word is still alive, and it is still Truth. His Truth sets us free. In that freedom, I rest. I’m thankful.
  • Quiet.  I relish quietness. There’s a difference between rest and quietness. Quietness is allowing others to say and think what they want without interfering. Quietness allows others to be ridiculous in their accusations, suppositions, and falsehood without needing to set them straight. I have enjoyed being quiet. Scrolling right on by social media posts has helped me maintain quiet. I’m thankful.
  • Peace.  I gather peace. Worry destroys peace, and quiet, and rest. Because I know God is in control of all things medical, political, social, and spiritual, I have garnered peace. Because I have taken the time to rest and be quiet before God, I have peace. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalms 4:8. I am at peace.

This is my harvest, my celebration, this 2020.


A song of harvest celebration

To hear the song Come, Ye Thankful People, Come, click on this link.

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