learning to stay

Learning to Stay

Leaving or Staying. She sat across from me and said these words: “My family knows how to leave, but we don’t know how to stay. This time, I’m staying.”  She made a conscious choice to stay instead of running. Although she didn’t really know how to stay, she was bent on learning – and she…

Three Ways to Blend Into a New Community

Three Ways to Blend Into a New Community

It’s not easy – this leaving. Whether you’ve moved because of a job, a marriage, or any other reason, leaving means parting with what is familiar. We’re comfortable with the familiar. Whether it’s our friends, our community, our grocery store or the back roads, we know our way around and we belong. Folks recognize us…


The Grass is Greenest Here

This article first appeared in Daughters of Promise magazine, January/February 2015.  If you are interested in more information about this Anabaptist magazine for women, you can contact DOP online here.   After weeks of packing without knowing where we were moving, we were almost there. Just a few more miles to our new home,but I was still…

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