Christmas Thoughts of Jesus’ Many Names

Jesus’ Many Names

remembering with stones When the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan River, they were instructed to take twelve stones from their new land and place them in the middle of the river. The stones were to be placed where the feet of the priests stood as they held the Ark of the Covenant while the…
Navigating Turbulent Waters When Your Child’s Safe Place Becomes Shaken. Moving with kids can be stressful for parents. It can also be stressful for kids. Home should be a safe place for children. So should family. But when the place a child calls home changes, insecurities and adjustments are prevalent. When the waters are smooth,…
A story from the past about choices It’s time to rake leaves and get ready for winter. There are a lot of trips out to storage sheds or up to attics. A lot of choices to make about what to keep and what to discard. I took another trip through old photos and pulled out…
that “lump-in-your-throat feeling” that makes me cry I believe in tears. Oh, the wonder of tears! They can be healing — as well as revealing. I especially prefer the lump-in-my-throat kind of tears—the “warm, fuzzy feeling” kind of tears, the “ain’t life grand!” kind of tears. While I prefer to do my “woe is me” crying in…
It’s around me Rich blood, even though it’s getting older, flows through our veins. I realized this again a few weeks ago when I visited my childhood home for a few days. My local sisters decided to have a cousin gathering since their siblings from Virginia and Nebraska were both home in Maryland at the…
Tucked inside the folded newspaper with the pile of bills and junk mail in our mailbox was a small 3 x 5 envelope. Addressed to Dave, I thought it was probably a note of appreciation. He gets those sometimes from satisfied customers. Occasionally, we receive notes of thanks from folks with whom we’ve shared casseroles…
remembering with stones When the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan River, they were instructed to take twelve stones from their new land and place them in the middle of the river. The stones were to be placed where the feet of the priests stood as they held the Ark of the Covenant while the…
Navigating Turbulent Waters When Your Child’s Safe Place Becomes Shaken. Moving with kids can be stressful for parents. It can also be stressful for kids. Home should be a safe place for children. So should family. But when the place a child calls home changes, insecurities and adjustments are prevalent. When the waters are smooth,…
A story from the past about choices It’s time to rake leaves and get ready for winter. There are a lot of trips out to storage sheds or up to attics. A lot of choices to make about what to keep and what to discard. I took another trip through old photos and pulled out…
that “lump-in-your-throat feeling” that makes me cry I believe in tears. Oh, the wonder of tears! They can be healing — as well as revealing. I especially prefer the lump-in-my-throat kind of tears—the “warm, fuzzy feeling” kind of tears, the “ain’t life grand!” kind of tears. While I prefer to do my “woe is me” crying in…
It’s around me Rich blood, even though it’s getting older, flows through our veins. I realized this again a few weeks ago when I visited my childhood home for a few days. My local sisters decided to have a cousin gathering since their siblings from Virginia and Nebraska were both home in Maryland at the…
Tucked inside the folded newspaper with the pile of bills and junk mail in our mailbox was a small 3 x 5 envelope. Addressed to Dave, I thought it was probably a note of appreciation. He gets those sometimes from satisfied customers. Occasionally, we receive notes of thanks from folks with whom we’ve shared casseroles…
remembering with stones When the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan River, they were instructed to take twelve stones from their new land and place them in the middle of the river. The stones were to be placed where the feet of the priests stood as they held the Ark of the Covenant while the…
Navigating Turbulent Waters When Your Child’s Safe Place Becomes Shaken. Moving with kids can be stressful for parents. It can also be stressful for kids. Home should be a safe place for children. So should family. But when the place a child calls home changes, insecurities and adjustments are prevalent. When the waters are smooth,…
A story from the past about choices It’s time to rake leaves and get ready for winter. There are a lot of trips out to storage sheds or up to attics. A lot of choices to make about what to keep and what to discard. I took another trip through old photos and pulled out…
that “lump-in-your-throat feeling” that makes me cry I believe in tears. Oh, the wonder of tears! They can be healing — as well as revealing. I especially prefer the lump-in-my-throat kind of tears—the “warm, fuzzy feeling” kind of tears, the “ain’t life grand!” kind of tears. While I prefer to do my “woe is me” crying in…
It’s around me Rich blood, even though it’s getting older, flows through our veins. I realized this again a few weeks ago when I visited my childhood home for a few days. My local sisters decided to have a cousin gathering since their siblings from Virginia and Nebraska were both home in Maryland at the…
Tucked inside the folded newspaper with the pile of bills and junk mail in our mailbox was a small 3 x 5 envelope. Addressed to Dave, I thought it was probably a note of appreciation. He gets those sometimes from satisfied customers. Occasionally, we receive notes of thanks from folks with whom we’ve shared casseroles…