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A Growing Pile of Pennies

I came across this post a few weeks ago on Luci’s blog at Properties of Light.  I asked permission from the author, my friend Dorcas, who is an author of five books and blogs at Life in the Shoe.  Dorcas graciously gave me permission to share this.  Be sure to visit her blog at: www.dorcassmucker.blogspot.com/

This story so resonated with me, and I am certain it will with you as well.


A Growing Pile of Pennies

This post is about piles of stuff. And it’s mostly for young people.

This is dangerous, I know, to classify myself not only as old, but also with wisdom to impart. On the few occasions that I write or speak to young people, my young-adult children often say, “DON’T sound like you’re talking down to us!”

Because I do that, sometimes.

Forgive me, ahead of time, would you?

Sometimes I look at my life now and feel so blessed I can hardly stand it. I have a front porch with a pretty round table. I have a husband and children whose company I enjoy. I’ve traveled overseas. I have the funds to see a doctor if I need to. I have the cutest silver egg cups shaped like chickens. I have been part of a nice church, with lots of nice people in it, who love Jesus, for over 20 years. I’ve written 5 books. I get to talk to people sometimes, up front, where I can say whatever I want and people actually listen, unless it’s at a retirement center, where 10% of them always fall asleep.

This is the sort of life I wanted when I was younger, although back then I claimed I didn’t want the six children, but whatever.

I certainly wanted the published books, and the good relationships, and the sense of purpose, and the travel.

But I had no idea how to get from there to here.

Our family had some good things going for it, like a good work ethic and sense of humor, but unfortunately we also had some very unhealthy patterns and choices and I’m sorry I can’t be more specific.

[I hope you want to keep reading . . . to do that, hop on over to Luci’s blog at Properties of Light.]   To make that hop, just click here.

pennies in jar








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