Sowing = Reaping
sowing Sparingly or generously
Every one of us is a sower – because we spend our days sowing. We plant or refuse to plant. We plant stingily or generously. Every day, we plant. Years later, we reap what we plant today.
The problem is that in the moment, we often don’t focus on what we hope to reap down the road. We only think of this moment or this day.
The apostle Paul had something to say about that when he wrote to the church at Corinth. He encouraged them to give cheerfully because God loves a cheerful giver. Paul said each person must decide in his heart how he gives.
the cheerful heart
It’s easy to spot a heart that is cheerful – and one that is not. Nobody, but nobody, likes to be around someone who does not have a cheerful heart. We can give grudgingly or we can give cheerfully. Whether it’s our time, our talents, or our treasure, it’s easy to spot the cheerful giver and the one that is not.
Whether at work or at home, I choose to ask for help or question the one who cheerfully responds to my request. I avoid the one who grudgingly helps or answers questions. Cheerfulness is like a magnet. A grudging person repels folks.
Paul makes the point that whoever sows sparingly (or grudgingly) reaps sparingly. The person who gives or sows cheerfully and bountifully reaps bountifully.
Sowing reaps rewards
Sowing into friendships reaps friendships. Sowing into truth reaps a life of integrity. Sowing into and searching for Biblical truth reaps knowledge and spirit-peace.
Paul tells the church in Corinth that each of us must decide in his heart whether to sow sparingly or generously. He also reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver.
How about it, folks? What kind of sower are you?
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