He is Our Dwelling Place

He is Our Dwelling Place

Finding that place When the Children of Israel left Egypt, they needed a place to belong. They traveled in the wilderness, where God had them build a tabernacle A tabernacle is a fixed or moveable habitation. It can be a meeting place for worship. That is what the Israelites found their tabernacle to be for…

When God Means Business – a Model for Parents

When God Means Business – a Model for Parents

God Used Creativity in Dealing out Consequences God had some creative ways of punishing His people. Sometimes entire families were buried alive because of the sins of the fathers. Sometimes He allowed captivity to come as well as diseases because of the sins of individuals. He also used people to carry out punishments. King Darius…

Choosing Life

Choosing Life

Every spring when the tulips push through the sod and burst into bloom, I remember a conversation I had with my children several years ago. We planted tulip bulbs in the fall, and a few weeks later, one of the children asked, “Why are the flowers not coming up?”  They expected to see quick results….