Show, Don’t Tell
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Show and Tell
Those elementary school days of show and tell are a great way to tell classmates about things in our lives. One day, I took our newborn to school for Show and Tell in our kindergartner’s class. How much more fun it was for him to show the baby than it would have been to bring photos or just tell about his baby sister. His classmates crowded around, wanting to see the new baby. Showing was more important than telling. The children learned more about a baby by the experience than they would have by just mere telling.
Don’t Just Tell
Telling about an experience or promising what I will do or what I have done is not as convincing as the documentation to prove what I am saying. Words are empty unless they are completed with the doing. Telling is not enough. We need to prove it by doing. Empty promises are void until they are fulfilled.
Heard many times around our house are these words: “I’ll believe it when I see it.” That’s because the folks who have made a promise often don’t complete the deal. There are co-workers, spouses, and children who often have these sentiments.
Telling someone I have changed or making a promise I don’t care to keep does nothing to make a person feel loved and able to trust. Our words are null and void when promises are not kept. It should not surprise us when others doubt our sincerity if we do not prove it by actions.
Show, Don’t Tell
You want someone to believe that your love is real? Someone important to you isn’t convinced you’re committed to them? You want your boss to believe you’re different now? Find it hard to convince others you have changed and turned over a new leaf? There’s only one way to do it. Show. Don’t tell.