Marriage – Drinking from Your Own Well
Comparison of your own well.
In marriage, you have your own well. There isn’t a one of us who has not one day had the thought “I wish hubby would do ___ like him.” OR “It would be nice if hubby acted like ____.” Comparison. We’re all good at that. So much so that we are warned about it in scripture. A wise person does not compare his spouse with others. This is what scripture says: “For those measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise.”
Each of us wants to think we deserve the best and so we tend to watch what others do and what others have. If their lot in life is better than ours, we wish we had what they have. We compare what we are lacking and wish we had more.
Granted, we don’t know what all it took to get there. We don’t know the failures and miscommunications that took place to get that couple to where they are now. We only know it would be nice to have what we think they have.
While scripture talks about infidelity as a no-no, it also tells us how to do marriage. We tend to forget that unfaithfulness begins in our mind and hearts and not in actions. Proverbs talks about that.
What Proverbs has to say
The New King James says it like this:
15 Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well.
15 Be faithful to your own wife, just as you drink water from your own well. 16 Don’t pour your water in the streets; don’t give your love to just any woman. 17 These things are yours alone and shouldn’t be shared with strangers. 18 Be happy with the wife you married when you were young. She gives you joy, as your fountain gives you water.
Enjoy your own well
Contentment in drinking from one’s own well