Christmas Sugar Cookies
Christmas sugar cookies.
It is the Christmas season. Sugar cookies are in order, of course. Break out your cookie cutters and mix up a batch of these cookies. This is a recipe that kids can help with because you mix it all by hand. So have at it with your little ones. Mix the wet ingredients together, mix the butter with the flour, and then mix it all together. My mama used to say “Many hands make light work,” so go ahead and use those many hands to mix up this batch of dough!
Roll out the dough and let your little ones cut out the dough with different shapes. For these photos, I just used regular cutters, but you can be certain that the next time I make them, I’ll have little ones here and they will get to choose gingerbread people, angels, stars, or snowflakes.
About the recipe
Baking time is short, and of course the thinner you roll the dough, the faster they will bake. The recipe recommends adding ground nuts or almonds in at least some of the dough. You can also place half a candied cherry in the center, which I didn’t do because I didn’t have any candied cherries. The cherry certainly will make the cookie festive!
Credit for this recipe goes to Tasha Tudor. I picked up the book Take Joy! The Tasha Tudor Christmas Book at a thrift store the other week and found the recipe there. This recipe is used with permission. For more information on Tasha Tudor, visit one of these two sites: OR ; https//
The Recipe

Christmas Sugar Cookies
- 1 pound real butter
- 2 eggs
- 5 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 cups sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1 Tablespoon vanilla
- 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in
- 3 Tablespoons milk
- 1-2 Tablespoons ground almonds or nuts optional
- candied cherries cut in half (optional)
- Put all ingredients in a bowl
- [I mixed the dry ingredients separately from the wet ingredients, then combined them all]
- Mix with hands until a smooth dough is formed [your kids will think this is fun!]
- Form into a ball and dust with flour
- Chill thoroughly
- Divide into portions small enough to make rolling out easy
- Add ground almonds to some of the dough if you wish
- Dust rolling pin and counter with flour; if needed, you can add more flour to the dough
- Roll as thin as possible
- Dust with granulated sugar and nutmeg (optional)
- Place half a candied cherry on top of each cookie (optional)
- Cut into shapes
- Put onto cookie tray and bake at 350 for approximately 12 minutes or until done
- NOTE: the directions also say that you can decorate with chocolate bits, melted and forced through a paper cornucopia. I did not do this but would love to hear from someone who did!